
Workers’ Compensation Legal Update: Piecing Together the Puzzle of 50 States’ Laws

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Workers’ Compensation Legal Update: Piecing Together the Puzzle of 50 States’ Laws

Webinar Description: 

Mary Beth Hughes will discuss a variety of workers’ compensation topics affecting the trucking industry, including multi-jurisdictional accident litigation and potential legislative reforms to workers’ compensation laws across the country.

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About the Presenter

Mary Beth Hughes, Partner, Scopelitis, Garvin, Light, Hanson & Feary

Mary Beth Hughes focuses her practice on worker’s compensation law, including litigating Wisconsin worker’s compensation cases and counseling employers on issues related to health and safety, accommodating disabilities, and other employment-related decisions following a work injury. Hughes works with employers to aggressively defend workers’ compensation claims and strategically manage both small and large cases to a positive conclusion. Her experience includes:

  • Representing employers and insurance carriers on a large variety of cases
  • Trying cases to administrative law judges
  • Representing clients on appeal before the Labor and Industry Review Commission, Circuit Court, Court of Appeals, and Supreme Court
  • Counseling employers throughout the work injury process
  • Performing a comprehensive analysis todesign and execute creative strategies to prevent litigation and reduce costs
  • Investigating injuries
  • Advising on employment decisions

Her experience also includes representing entities paying workers’ compensation benefits in third-party Circuit Court and District Court matters, including preparing pleadings, making court appearances, and participating in mediations.


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