
As you well know, the trucking industry is integral to our nation’s economy and provides great job opportunities to hard-working Americans. ATA is working every day to emphasize that message to lawmakers in Washington, D.C., however we need your help to tell that story more effectively. Please provide a list of your company’s terminals and their associated addresses so we can then map out where our members have assets and therefore how your company is directly impacting a congressional district or state. Once we have this information, we can do two important things: go into your congressional representative’s office with hard statistics about your company’s impact on their district, and, in partnership with you, invite the congressman out for a terminal visit. Delivering constituent data to a congressional office and going to the effort to work with them in-district will go a long way in educating a lawmaker and creating or strengthening the industry’s relationship with them, so please seriously consider this request and know that your company information will be hugely helpful in our advocacy efforts.

We will also treat your data with the utmost respect and seriousness, and will ensure that it remains protected, private, and secure. This data request is a partnership between our IT team, our membership department, and our grassroots team so rest assured that we will do everything possible to not only make this easy for you, but to provide a significant member value. Do not hesitate to reach out with questions, and thank you for your time.