Washington – Today, American Trucking Associations President and CEO Chris Spear issued the following statement thanking the Trump Administration for ending New York’s scheme to punish hard-working truckers who make essential deliveries to Manhattan businesses and residences:
“We commend President Trump and Secretary Duffy for terminating this disastrous tolling scheme.
"Truckers don't drive into Manhattan to sightsee. They do it because customers depend on them. The deliveries they make are essential to businesses and residents and keep New York City running.
“Truckers deserve our gratitude. Instead, New York imposed a $21.60 toll — eventually climbing to $36 — each time they crossed south of 60th Street. Even worse, the proceeds of this shakedown were not dedicated to improving roads and bridges but rather subsidized a bloated and mismanaged transit bureaucracy that has proven unable to control spiraling costs. New York’s subways were never going to deliver the city’s freight.
“The American Trucking Associations was proud to support the Trucking Association of New York’s leadership in their successful fight against this unfair policy. We also appreciate the Trump Administration restoring the original intent of the Value Pricing Pilot Program, which does not give states carte blanche ability to toll. Ending this program will remove an unjust hardship on truckers servicing New York.”