Here's a powerful image:
Major national crises tend to expose underlying truths about society that otherwise go unnoticed during life’s regular routines. They reveal the individuals among us who are truly essential to upholding the high standard of living we’ve collectively come to expect. They remind us of America’s unsung heroes.
The unfolding COVID-19 pandemic is no different. The spread of Coronavirus in the U.S. will test government institutions, challenge private industry and place inordinate demands on our most critical workforce. It will marshal the full strength of our nation and elevate its essential core.
And just as they do when a hurricane strikes or a blizzard hits, America’s professional truck drivers will be on the front lines delivering critical supplies and aid to fellow citizens.
Over the past week, Americans have rushed to stock up on goods as they prepare to hunker down to mitigate the impact of COVID-19. We've watched schools, businesses, major sports and other cultural pillars come to a complete stop as personal health and well-being take top priority.
But one thing that won't stop: trucking. Because when trucking stops, all of America stops.
The American trucker sits at a vital intersection in society. They are the critical link between the valued goods we produce and the demands of our most pressing needs. For the healthcare professional tending to the sick, for the mother providing for her family, for the scientist working overnight to develop a vaccine—truckers are sacrificing daily to ensure everyone has the essentials in hand to remain healthy, nourished and productive.
Following the guidance of government and health officials, many working Americans will be staying home in the coming weeks. But truckers are not afforded that same luxury or comfort. In order to keep store shelves stocked, hospitals supplied, first responders equipped and government agencies running, duty calls the American trucker to the road.
And as our nation bands together to tackle this challenging road ahead, we must recognize the vital role of truckers in maintaining society's most essential functions. We urge shippers and receivers to treat them with the courtesy, dignity and respect they deserve. We call on government officials to provide them with the flexibility and resources they need to get the job done.
But there's one thing all Americans can do right now: Thank a trucker. Especially during trying times like these. Because without them, the disruptions we're experiencing would be something much, much worse.